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A culture of giving: sustaining our community

A vibrant, relevant Kol Shofar depends on the generous support of members like you. A culture of giving recognizes that our synagogue prospers when each of us chooses to invest in what we love. Find a way, beyond annual membership, that resonates for you.

Give from your IRA

Over 70½ years old? You can make a difference today and save on taxes.  It is possible--when you support Kol Shofar through your IRA. Ask your IRA administrator how or contact our office to learn more.


Donations of stock (and other equities) can provide you with tax advantages by not having to realize the gain in value. Contact our office to learn how.


Gifts from your estate can create a lasting legacy for future generations at Kol Shofar. Email the Executive Director, Gordon Gladstone to learn how.


Synagogue Fund
Support the work of Kol Shofar with an unrestricted gift.

High Holiday Appeal
Our annual appeal for the new year.

Rabbi Paul Steinberg's Discretionary Fund
Provide funds for special projects and needs.

Cantor Naomi Weiss' Discretionary Fund
Provide funds for special projects and needs.

Beit Binah Fund
Support the work of our religious school for special programs.

Kaiser Library Fund
Help to enrich our library for the next generation.

Ramah Campership Fund
Provide the life-changing gift of Jewish camping.

Prayerbook Fund
Dedicate a prayer book in honor or memory of someone special.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785